Uncial Calligraphy Alphabet

The calligraphy alphabet is made up of “drawings” of the letters of the modern day alphabet. Calligraphy means “beautiful” writing and is an ancient art. Calligraphy dates back to the Stone Age when Caveman drew figures on stone walls to leave messages to those who passed by after them.

The easiest calligraphy alphabet to learn is Uncial (un-shull), because it does not have capital and small letters. So, there are only 26 letters to learn.

Uncial was created in the ninth century by the monks who wanted to be able to write faster. They started by decreasing the angle of the pen to 30 degrees which is more natural way of holding your pen. You will also notice that these letters are rounder or fatter than other calligraphy alphabet making lphabets. ural way of holding your pen. You will also notice that these letters are rounder or fatter than other calligr spacing a little more tricky.

Remember that you should have the same amount of white space around each letter, regardless of the size of the letter.

Stroke Sequence

Stroke Sequence

Writing Calligraphy Tips

The broader the nib that you use, the bigger the letters. Create guidelines for the size of your nib by measuring the height of your letters by 3.5 nib sizes

guideline size

guideline size

Sit near a window where you get more natural light

If possible on a sloping surface

Use a under pad when you write – this can simply be a few sheets of paper

Make a cover sheet to protect your sheet clean while you are working

Practice Sheet

Practice Sheet
practice grid

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Pen you use is very important

In this video we review the Swan 4500 fountain pen to create a Calligraphy Alphabet


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